If you go to Bariloche, Argentina , or the surrounding area, and have some extra money to spend, you cannot miss what has been voted the best restaurant in Argentina .
The restaurant in question is Cassis , which belongs to Mariana Müller and Ernesto Wolf. It is in Villa Arelauquen , on the shore of Lake Gutierrez , a few kilometers from the great southern city of Bariloche .
Not only do you eat food that is exquisite, but it can be eaten in a perfect environment, both for the attention, for the good taste when serving, and of course for the beautiful landscape.
The shape of the place is a platform that protrudes towards the lake in the shape of a hexagon, there inside it has a huge window, with few tables, a living section near the home.
What can you eat? Only three menus , but they bring starter, first course, main course and dessert, as well as hors d’oeuvres.
It is not a cheap place, I had the opportunity to be a guest and it really was a gastronomic experience that I will hardly forget. We went at night, since in winter they don’t open at noon.